Griffin-Nolan RJ, Mohanbabu N, Araldi-Brondolo S, Ebert A, Levonne J, Lumbsden-Pinto J, Roden H, Stark J, Tourville J, Becklin K, Drake J, Frank D, Lamit L, Fridley J. (2021) The role of biotic agents in drought-induced plant mortality. Plant Ecology.
Frank DA (2020) Grazing effects on nitrogen productivity in a temperate grassland. Rangeland Ecology and Management 73; 482-490
Chen J, Frank DA (2020) Herbivores stimulate respiration from labile and recalcitrant soil carbon pools in grasslands of Yellowstone National Park. Land Degradation and Development 31:2620-2634.
Hull, V., Frank, D.A. and Fridley, J.D. (2020) Woody invaders do not alter rhizosphere microbial activity in a temperate deciduous forest. Biological Invasions 22: 2599-2608.
Jo, I., Fridley, J.D. and Frank D.A. (2020) Rapid leaf litter decomposition of deciduous understory shrubs and lianas mediated by mesofauna. Plant Ecology 221: 63-68.
White PJ, Wallen R, Geremia C, Frank DA, Renkin R (2020) The great debate: Are Yellowstone’s northern grasslands overgrazed? Yellowstone Science.
Zhou G, Luo Q, Chen Y, Zhou L, Frank DA, He Y, Zhang B, Zhou X (2019) Effects of livestock grazing on grassland carbon storage and soil respiration override impacts associated with global climate change. Global Change Biology
Derner JD, Augustine DJ, Frank DA (2018) Does grazing matter for soil organic carbon sequestration in the western North American Great Plains? Ecosystems
Penner JF, Frank DA (2018) Litter decomposition in Yellowstone Grasslands: The roles of large herbivores, litter quality and climate. Ecosystems (online)
Frank DA, Wallen RL, Hamilton EW III, White PJ, Fridley JD. (2018) Manipulating the system: How large herbivores control bottom-up regulation of grasslands. Journal of Ecology. 106: 434-443
Jo I, Fridley JD, Frank DA (2017) Invasive plants accelerate nitrogen cycling: evidence from experimental woody monocultures. Journal of Ecology 105: 1105-1110.
Liu C, Wang L, Song X, Chang Q, Frank DA, Wang D, Li J, Lin H, Du F (2017) Towards a mechanistic understanding of the effect that different species of large herbivores have on grassland soil N availability. Journal of Ecology DOI:10.1111/1365-2745.12809.
Frank DA, Wallen RL, White PJ (2016) Ungulate control of grassland production: grazing intensity and ungulate species composition in Yellowstone Park. Ecosphere: 7: s01603
Frank DA, Pontes AW, Maine EM, Fridley JD. 2015. Fine-scale belowground species associations in temperate grassland. Molecular Ecology 24: 3206-3216.
Jo I, Fridley JD, Frank DA. 2015. More of the same? In situ leaf and root decomposition rates do not vary between 80 native and non-native deciduous forest species. New Phytologist 209: 115-122. Jo et al. 2015 was the subject of a Commentary published by New Phytologist (2016, 209: 5-7).
Jo I, Fridley JD, Frank DA. 2014. Linking above- and belowground resource use strategies for native and invasive species of temperate deciduous forests. Biological Invasions DOI 10.1007/s10530-014-0814-y
Wang L, Liu C, Gomes Alves D, Frank DA, Wang D. 2015. Plant diversity is associated with the amount of spatial structure of soil heterogeneity in meadow steppe of China.. Landscape Ecology 30: 1713-1721.
Chuckran P, Frank DA. 2013. Herbivores regulate the sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition to warming. Environmental Research Letters 8: 044013. IOPselect article and featured in environmentalresearchweb.
Frank DA, Wallen, RL, White PJ 2013. Assessing the Effects of Climate Change and Wolf Restoration on Grassland Processes. In PJ White, RA Garrot, GE Plumb (Eds.) Yellowstone’s Wildlife in Transition. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
Frank DA, Pontes AW, McFarlane KJ. 2012. Controls on soil organic carbon stocks and turnover among North American ecosystems. Ecosystems 15: 604-615. Featured in environmentalresearchweb.
Frank, D.A., DePriest, T., McLauchlan, K., and Risch, A.C. 2011. Topographic and ungulate regulation of soil C turnover in a temperate grassland ecosystem. Global Change Biology 17:495-504.
Frank, D.A., A. Pontes, A., E.M. Maine, J.C. Caruana, S. Raina, R. Raina, and J. Fridley. 2010. Grassland root communities: Species distributions and how they are linked to aboveground abundance. Ecology 91:3201-3209.
Ewing, H., Groffman, P.M., and Frank, D.A. 2010. Grazers and soil moisture determine the fate of added 15N4+ in Yellowstone grasslands. Plant and Soil 328:337-351.
Murray, T.R., Frank, D.A., and Gerhing, C.A. 2010. Ungulate and topographic control of arbuscular fungal spore community composition in a temperate grassland. Ecology 91: 815-827.
Risch, A.C. and Frank, D.A. 2010 Diurnal and seasonal patterns in ecosystem carbon dioxide fluxes in a temperate grassland. Rangeland Ecology and Management 63:62 -71.
Frank, D.A. and Groffman, P.M. 2009. Plant rhizospheric N processes: what we don’t know and why we should care. Ecology 90: 1512-1519.
Thorne, M. and Frank, D.A. 2009. Influences of grazing and soil moisture on belowground C allocation to fine root biomass and root respiration in C3 and C4 grasses. Plant Ecology, Online First.
Frank, D.A. 2008. Evidence for top predator control of a grazing ecosystem. Oikos 117: 1718-1724. Recommended by Faculty of 1000 Biology.
Hamilton, E.A. III, Frank , D.A., Hinchey, P.M., and Murray, M.R. 2008. Grazer-induced increases in root exudation trigger positive feedbacks in a temperate grassland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 40: 2865-2873.
Stewart, A. and Frank, D.A. 2008 Root production and herbivory in an upland grassland community in Yellowstone National Park. Oecologia 157:453-458.
Frank, D.A. 2008. Ungulate and topographic control of nitrogen : phosphorus stoichiometry in a temperate grassland: soils, plants, and mineralization. Oikos, 117: 591-601.
Risch, A.C., and Frank, D.A. 2007. Effects of increased soil water availability on ecosystem carbon dioxide fluxes in spatio-temporally heterogeneous temperate grassland. Biogeochemistry 86: 91-103.
Risch, A.C., Jurgensen, M.F., and Frank, D.A. 2007. Abiotic control of decomposition rates in a grazed, spatiotemporally heterogeneous temperate grassland. Plant and Soil, 298: 191-201.
Frank, D.A. 2007. Drought effects on above and below ground production of a grazed temperate grassland ecosystem. Oecologia 152: 131-139.
Frank, D.A. 2006. Large herbivores in heterogeneous grassland ecosystems. Danell, K., Bergström, R., Duncan, P., and Pastor, J. (Editors). Large Mammalian Herbivores, Ecosystem Dynamics, and Conservation. Cambridge University Press.
Risch, A. and D.A. Frank. 2005. Carbon dioxide fluxes in a spatially and temporally heterogeneous temperate grassland. Oecologia, 147: 291-302.
Frank, D.A. 2005. The interactive effects of grazing ungulates and aboveground production on grassland diversity. Oecologia 143: 629-634.
Frank, D.A., R. D. Evans, and B. F. Tracy. 2004. Control of natural 15N abundance in a grazing ecosystem. Biogeochemistry, 68: 169-178.
Frank, D.A., C.A. Gehring, L. Machut, and M. Phillips. 2003. Soil community composition and the regulation of a grazed temperate grassland. Oecologia 442: 603-609
Anderson, M.T. and D.A. Frank. Defoliation effects on reproductive biomass: Importance of scale and timing. Journal of Range Management. 56:501-516.
Verchot, L., P.M. Groffman, and D. A. Frank. 2002. Landscape Versus Ungulate Control of Gross Mineralization and Gross Nitrification in Semi-Arid Grasslands of Yellowstone National Park. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 34:1691-1699. [PDF]
Frank, D.A., M.M. Kuns, D.R. Guido. 2002. Consumer control of grassland plant production. Ecology 83: 602-606.
Hamilton, E.W. and D. A. Frank. 2001. Can plants stimulate soil microbes and their own nutrient supply? Evidence from a grazing tolerant grass. Ecology 82: 2397-2402.
Augustine, D.J. and D.A. Frank. 2001. Effects of migratory grazers on spatial heteogeneity of soil nitrogen properties in a grassland ecosystem. Ecology 82: 3149-3162.
Frank, D.A., P.M. Groffman, R.D. Evans, and B.F. Tracy. 2000. Ungulate stimulation of nitrogen cycling and retention in Yellowstone Park grasslands. Oecologia 123: 116-121. [PDF]
Frank, D.A. 1998. Ungulate regulation of ecosystem processes in Yellowstone National Park: direct and feedback effects. Wildlife Society Bulletin 26: 410-418.
Frank, D.A. and P.M. Groffman. 1998. Denitrification in a semi-arid grazing ecosystem. Oecologia 117: 564-569. [PDF]
Tracy, B.F. and D.A. Frank. 1998. Effects of ungulates and topography on soil microbial biomass and activity in Yellowstone National Park. Oecologia 114: 556-562. [PDF]
Frank, D.A. and P. M. Groffman. 1998. Ungulate versus landscape control of soil C and N processes in grasslands of Yellowstone National Park. Ecology 79: 2229-2241. [PDF]
Frank, D. A., S. J. McNaughton, and B. Tracy. 1998. The ecology of the earth’s grazing ecosystems.Bioscience 48: 513-521.
Frank, D. A. and R. D. Evans 1997. Effects of native grazers on grassland N cycling in Yellowstone National Park. Ecology 78: 2238-2248. [PDF]
Frank, D. A. and Y. Zhang 1997. Ammonia volatilization from a seasonally and spatially variable grazed grassland: Yellowstone National Park. Biogeochemistry 36: 189-203. [PDF]
McNaughton, S. J., D. Milchunas, and D. A. Frank. 1996. How can net primary productivity be measured in grazing ecosystems? Ecology 77: 974-977. [PDF]
Frank, D. A. and R. S. Inouye. 1994. Temporal variation in actual evapotranspiration of terrestrial ecosystems: patterns and ecological implications. Journal of Biogeography 21: 401-411.
Frank, D. A., Inouye, R. S., Huntly, N., G. W. Minshall, and J. E. Anderson. 1994. The biogeochemistry of a north-temperate grassland with native ungulates: nitrogen dynamics in Yellowstone National Park.Biogeochemistry 26:163-188.
Frank, D. A. and S. J. McNaughton. 1993. Evidence for the promotion of aboveground grassland production by native large herbivores in Yellowstone National Park. Oecologia 96:157-161.
Frank, D. A. and S. J. McNaughton. 1992. The ecology of plants, large mammalian herbivores and drought in Yellowstone National Park. Ecology 73:2043-2058. [PDF]
Frank, D.A. and S.J. McNaughton. 1991. Stability increases with diversity in plant communities: empirical evidence from the Yellowstone drought. Oikos 62:360-362.
McNaughton, S.J., M. Oesterheld, D.A. Frank, and K.J. Williams. 1991. Relationships between primary and secondary production in terrestrial ecosystems. In: J.J. Cole, S. Findlay, and G.M. Lovett (eds.)Comparative analyses of ecosystems: patterns, mechanisms and theories. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Frank, D.A. and S.J. McNaughton. 1990. Aboveground biomass estimation with the canopy intercept method: a plant growth form caveat. Oikos 57:57-60.
McNaughton, S.J., M. Oesterheld, D.A. Frank, and K.J. Williams. 1989. Ecosystem-level patterns of primary productivity and herbivory in terrestrial habitats. Nature 341:142-144.
Wiens, D., C.L. Calvin, C.A. Wilson, D.A. Frank and S.R. Seavey. 1987. Reproductive success, spontaneous embryo abortion, and genetic load in flowering plants. Oecologia 71:501-509.
Frank, D.A. and R. del Moral 1986. Thirty-five years of secondary succession in a Festuca viridula – Lupinus latifolius dominated meadow at Sunrise, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington. Canadian Journal Botany 64:1232-1236.